YouTube Earning Tips & Tricks - Best ways to Earn Money from Youtube .

Earn Money From YouTube - Nowadays a lot of people want to create their own channel on YouTube but they are not aware about the ways in which money can be made on YouTube.

If you also want to know about Best Possible Ways to Earn Money from YouTube, then read this post in its entirety.

Maybe you all know very well if anyone needs information about anything.

So those people are now doing YouTube instead of searching on Google.

Because of this, YouTube has become the second most used Search Engine.

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1 Best Ways To Earn Money From YouTube
1.1 1. Google Adsense
1.2 2. Affiliate Marketing
1.3 3. Super Chat & Super Stickers
1.4 4. Merchandise
1.5 5. Sponsorship (Deal With Brands)
1.6 6. Sell Your Own Course
1.7 7. Send Traffic To Your Blog / Website
1.8 8. Promote Your Other Business
1.99. Join Membership
1.10 10. Crowdfunding
1.11 11. Launch Your Own Digital Product
1.12 12. Premium Content Membership
1.13 Last Words: -

Best Ways To Earn Money From YouTube

Those who have been uploading videos on YouTube for a long time, know well that Earning has become very less on YouTube nowadays as before.

And in such a situation, if you only use Google Adsense to earn money from YouTube, then you are making a big mistake. Along with Google Adsense, there are many other things that you can make money from.

If seen, we get only $ 1 from 5000 to 10,000 news, then you can guess where people used to get $ 1 in 2020, now it does not happen, this thing according to different categories says that it How much money will be received on that.

So, for this reason, people who are earning very less from YouTube, you can increase your YouTube earnings by using all these methods mentioned by me,

So how to work, then I have told you all the information below, you can read it well, you will understand it, but if you do not understand anything, then you are by commenting in the comment box about me. Can ask

1. Google Adsense

So all the people who have channels on YouTube and most of them use Google Adsense only to earn money from YouTube, they think they can earn money only from here.

But they do not know much about other methods, due to which their earnings are not as high as those people should get.

I am going to tell you about all the methods here, let's first know about how to make money with Google Adsense.

Earn Money From Google Adsense

Earn Money From Google Adsense

So using Google Adsense you can earn money from YouTube, which YouTube has named YouTube Partner Program.

For this, we have to complete 1 thousand Subscribers and 4000 hours of Watch-Time on our YouTube Channel. But along with that, all the videos uploaded on our channel

They all follow Google Adsense's policy.

This means that we have uploaded all the videos on our channel. There is no adult content in all of them or any such thing which gives a wrong message in the society.

So if you upload some videos like this on your channel, then the monetization of your YouTube channel will not be able to start.

After making the channel, all of you must keep in mind that whatever video you are making, the video should follow the policy of Google Adsense, if it does not, then all of you may have a lot of problems later.

If all of you guys accomplish this, then the monetization of your YouTube channel will be started.

 After which you can also start earning money from Google Adsense or if you say otherwise.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Very few people know about Affiliate Marketing, and even those who know are unable to use it properly,

So first of all, let me tell you what is the meaning of Affiliate Marketing, you can understand it in such a way that if you are telling about any product in your YouTube video which is available on a site online. So we can make money by selling this product through our Link.

Affiliate Marketing

When you are telling about any product in the video, if anyone buys that product through our link, then we get some percentage of whatever the price of that product will be, and in this way we with Google Adsense You can also earn money using Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

I have seen many times that there were many people who use only the Amazon Affiliate Program for doing Affiliate Marketing, while apart from this there are many Affiliate Program using which we can earn a lot of money. Let's join

If you want, you can get some digital products to sell, such as if you create a related video from Blogging on your YouTube channel, then you can join an affiliate program because from where you can host more people or sell the domain Can.

Or even more like SEO TOO L like Semrush These are some things that you can sell and earn a lot of money from Affiliate Marketing.

3. Super Chat & Super Stickers

Super Chat Whoever does Gaming or likes to watch Gaming's videos, then those people will know about Super Chat and I want to tell those who do not know,

Whenever we do a live stream on our YouTube channel, if anyone wants a shout out of their name at that time, then they give us some money in the same live stream, it can be from ₹ 20 to ₹ 2000,

super chat

super chat

It is beneficial that if someone has started his new channel, then some people in Live Stream can also check his channel because his comment becomes highlight,

And this thing is not necessary that if you have a Gaming channel only then you can activate this thing if you have more than 1000 Subscriber on your channel and your monetization is on then you can take advantage of this feature.

If you want, you can definitely live stream once or twice a month. If you all get Super Chat from there, then you can increase your earnings in this way too.

And similarly, Super Sticker also works in Live Stream, earlier we could only send it by writing in Comment, but now if we want to send some Sticker to someone in the comment, then we can also do some Sticker for free. Are given and some we have to buy,

 So whoever sends Sticker to Live Stream by purchasing it, then that Sticker is different high light and some percentage of the money that is spent to buy that Sticker is added to our YouTuber's Earning.

 Whatever Gaming Channel is the benefit of this thing, they get the most because these people mostly make live streaming videos on their YouTube channel and,

These people also see a lot of people and these people also get the most super chats and super stickers.

But it is not that more video creators do not get super chat. If you are seeing a good amount of people, then any of those people who like watching you, some of them would like you to have super chat and super Can also provide sticker.

I hope that you have got the complete information about the super chat and the speaker how to earn money from here.

4. Merchandise

Do you know what is Merchandise or how to make money from it, then first of all I want to tell you that to earn money in this way, you must first be a little Famous on YouTube,

Only then you can earn money by selling Merchandise. Now you guys must be thinking that why did I tell all of you in the beginning line that you have to be Famous,



Merchandise means that when you become famous on YouTube or anywhere else, then you can create a T-Shirt or Key-Chain or Cofee Mug with your name or your brand logo. You can sell your fans.

So when people will buy your merchandise, when you will be famous, if you have 20-25 thousand subscribers, then do not launch your merchandise because on such a small subscriber you may not buy any of the products you have made, so when you have You can launch your merchandise only when there is good audicence.

If you want then you have also given this feature in YouTube that if you want to start merchandise then you don't need to do much, you will get all information about it in YouTube itself, you can learn by watching from there. How to open your Merchandise Store?

Or there is another way that you can create your own website where you can sell the product you have created.

So in this way you can earn money by launching your merchandise, hope you have liked this method.

5. Sponsorship (Deal With Brands)

Most of the people who make videos on YouTube earn money with the help of Google Adsense and at the same time if they get sponsorship on YouTube channel then they also earn from it.

Sponsorship means that, suppose there is a brand and wants to promote their product,



So he chooses some people on YouTube which he feels that if it promotes my product on YouTube then it will reach more and more people about his product.

So that brand chooses some people on YouTube and gives them a sponsorship in which they speak to promote their product and in return the creator gets some money.

Earlier if we wanted sponsorship on our YouTube channel, then it was mandatory to have more than 5000 Subscribers on our channel, but now it is not so.

Previously, we had to find a brand for our own sponsorship, people who are old will definitely know about the Famebit Website.

But now it is not the case that we do not need to do anything, whichever brand has to promote its product.

He e-mails us himself and talks about his product and how much money he will give us in email. In this way you can earn money by Deal with Brand or with Sponsorship.

6. Sell Your Own Course

If you are making videos with some knowledge on your YouTube channel, as if you are teaching someone something like how to grow on YouTube channel, how to earn money from blogs or teach about any such thing. This method can be very beneficial for you.

Nowadays a lot of people are doing this that they are launching their own Paid Course, so if you guys also teach people something by making videos on YouTube channel, then you can also launch one of your Paid Course.

Online course

Online course

Now some of you people must have come to the question that how can we launch our Paid Couse, then for that you can make your own e-book and sell it,

Or you can also sell by creating a video course in which you will give some such information which is not available anywhere on YouTube or that thing is not available anywhere for free.

And you can sell it with the help of Instamojo Payment Gateway, which you can keep some price like ₹ 299 or ₹ 399 for whatever you think its right price and you can buy more and more people from all of your Subscribers.

Keep some price like this, launch your course and tell about it on your YouTube channel so that people can get to know more and more about it.

And that's what you Advt on Facebook. Advt on Instagram or on the go. Later, with the help of that Paid Course, it will help you to earn more and more people.

So in this way you can earn very good money using YouTube Channel and there are many people like this.

Those who launch their Paid Course may have all seen you on YouTube, so they are earning a lot in this way, you can also do this thing if you give some good information.

7. Send Traffic To Your Blog / Website

If you have very good traffic on your YouTube channel, then you people can use it on your blog or website, how to do it.

Suppose you have a tech category channel on YouTube, then you have to create a website too and after working for a few days, you have to take the approval of Google Adsense so that Advt on your website. Even turn on.

Send Traffic to Your Blog

Send Traffic to Your Blog

Then you can use it in such a way that whenever you make a video, write it down in a text, so many people do the name of your website in this way, then some people will definitely visit your website after seeing that text. will do.

And you can also write in the description of all your videos, you can also add the name of your website and a link or you can say in almost all of your videos that I have a website with this name and you can go there very good content. Hai, you guys can read it.

So many people are making money on their website in this way, maybe you all will know that on YouTube you will get 1 Dollar of 5000-10,000 Views and on the other hand your website gets 1000 Views, then you will get 2 Dollar. From 3 Dollar it becomes very comfortable.

8. Promote Your Other Business

If you see people, you will find many such videos in which people tell about their offline business.

For example, if someone wants to repair something in his bike, he wants to watch the video, by searching on YouTube, there are many people in the video, most of them also have their own garage, which they promote in that video .

Promote Other Bussines

Promote Other Bussiness

Or watch some of his videos that tell about the computer which way you should assemble, then many of those people have their own shop where they also promote them. is.

 So in that video, he tells about where our shop is. If you all live around our shop, then you can come and get a computer from us or repair the computer,

So if you have a business like this which is offline then you can promote it by making videos on your YouTube channel.

But you are thinking that if I only promote my business, you cannot do this, you can promote your business along with sharing some information.

And it is important that you can also promote your online business if you have done some online business smart like if you do freelancing too.

So you can tell in your video that I also do the work of Content Writing or I am Graphic Designer or still I can do Video Editing, you can promote such things through your video.

9. Join Membership

This is a feature of YouTube, in which we can activate some people in our Subscribers to join Button of our channel.

We can give different content to those people and that will only be shown in the YouTube application of those people who have also taken the Membership with Join.

So as I just told you above, if anyone who wants a Shout-Out on someone's YouTube Channel, then they can use Super-Chat on their channel.

So this feature also works in a similar way, as many of your subscribers take this Membership, then those people also join your LIve Stream and as soon as they comment there,

A badge will appear after the name, so that their name will be different Highlight and those people can also use some different Premium Stickers in the Comment Box.

If people want to use it, then they have to pay the charge. It starts at Rs 59 per month and goes up to Rs 4000 per month.

And it also depends on the owner of that channel how much money he takes to take Join Button.

If you want to enable Join Button on your channel, then you should have at least 30,000 Subscribers and your channel monetization should also be turned on only then you can take advantage of this feature.

10. Crowdfunding

(Crowdfunding) Although very few people use it, but as many people do. With that they earn fine money, but they should have a good amount of audience only then you can earn money in this way.

This crowdfunding means that, you too must have seen some videos where it is said in that video that you can donate some money to support our channel.



So all the people who like your videos or who want to support you, they definitely support you.

But all these things you have to make a very good content (video) whose people can also help or you can entertain them.

There will be many channels on YouTube which make videos of very dancing or singing, but they will have copyright on all of them.

And if you do not get a single rupee from all the videos or the channel itself cannot be monetized, then if you make very good videos for this, then you can tell your audience about it in your videos.

That if you guys want to support me then you guys can donate some money and help me.

Now, for those who donate money, you should also have a platform, for that you can join Patreon or you can also use Instamojo or Razorpay.

11. Launch Your Own Digital Product

Today it is being seen that a lot of YouTubers are launching their own digital product and they are earning very good money by promoting it on their YouTube channel.

If you too are thinking about making a digital product of your own. Which can also give value to people.

You can create your own course or E-Book or PDF with the help of which you can also teach people something, you can also benefit from it.

After creating these digital products, you can also tell about them in all your videos. As Technical Sagar does.

You can also use Instamojo or Razor Pay to sell it.

12. Premium Content Membership

Just the way you might have seen that many people pay money on Amazon Prime or Netflix to watch movies or web-series, in the same way you can also create such a premium content.

You can upload the first episode or the first video on your YouTube channel for free. After that, whoever wants to watch all his videos, then you will definitely buy that premium content.

To show those Premium Content, you also have to create a separate website of your own, where only when anyone takes the Membership of Premium Content, only then can see those videos.

This is a very good way if you think that all the work will be done for free, then it may not be as if some people have thought that they will be able to upload those videos by uploading those premium content to YouTube.

And when the payment is made, the link of all those videos will be shared. But according to me, it will not be right because if you share your link to any one, then they can share that link to the other people. .

In such a situation, your created content will be leak. So you people create a website for this where no one can watch your video without paying.

Last words: -

So whoever has a channel on YouTube and uploads that video, then there will be many people who will not be earning well.

In this post, I have told you some ways that you can earn some extra money with the help of your same YouTube channel.

So if you also want to earn money from YouTube, then you can start it today, hope you all liked this post (YouTube Earning Tips & Tricks - Best ways to Earn Money from YouTube)
, then you guys Do not forget to share this post .

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